Donald Trump Is Seriously Considering Running For President In 2016


Donald Trump Is Seriously Considering Running For President In 2016

Donald Trump Is Seriously Considering Running For President In 2016

No, this isn’t a sick joke: “The Donald” Donald Trump is still seriously considering running for President in 2016, having already spent over $1 million in electoral research.

And no, we’re not talking about President of the Hair Club of America, we’re talking about the President of the United States.

While the real estate tycoon and “Celebrity Apprentice” host may have received tons of discouraging words from people of both parties, he’s marching on, insisting people actually want him to be President.

“Everybody tells me, ‘Please run for president. Please run for president,’” Trump says.

“I would be much happier if a great and competent person came along,” Trump reportedly told attendees of the Oakland County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner in Novi, Michigan last week. “I’d be happy if President Obama did a great job. I’m a Republican, but before anything, I love this country. I would love to see somebody come in who is going to be great.”

That’s noble of Mr. Trump. He’s not saying he’s the President we deserve, but rather the President we need right now. Bruce Wayne, eat your heart out.

From making headlines by offering $5 million for President Obama to turn over his birth records, to planning on turning Coney Island into a gilded expansion of his real estate empire, Trump may not exactly be who the middle class will connect with in the upcoming election.

Michael Cohen, executive vice president and special counsel to Trump, said the money went to research where Trump stood in each state as far as electability.

“The electoral research was commissioned. We did not spend $1 million on this research for it just to sit on my bookshelf,” Cohen said.

“At this point Mr. Trump has not made any decision on a political run, but what I would say is that he is exactly what this country needs. The turnout at these political speeches indicates his following remains very strong and is growing.”

We certainly hope this research isn’t true, as our country would surely be better off with Trump building gaudy hotels and designing tacky menswear.

The Reasons You Should Stop Making Plans


The Reasons You Should Stop Making Plans

The Reasons You Should Stop Making Plans

We have all heard the saying: life is what happens when you are busy making other plans — and this could not be truer. Live your life one day at a time and see how much less stressed you will be. It is so important to be able to accept whatever happens and to be easy going. Free yourself of the anxiety that making plans brings on.

You need to let life take you wherever it wants to go. Accept things as they come to you; life is all about spontaneity. While you’re busy planning the future and not living in the present moment, the world is passing you by. Some people are too busy building a future that they forget to enjoy and honor the present.

The future will never come because when it does, it is the present and we are too busy planning for the next future, so the cycle continues of life passing us by while we’re busy making other plans.

“You cannot live in the future, you can only live in the today.”

You should live your life seeking happiness and inner peace. It is extremely helpful in life to develop the ability to take what life gives you and to accept change without becoming frustrated; this is a gift we need to give ourselves.


When a problem arises, you need to relax and let the problem work itself out. It is important not to stress and become filled with apprehension. Regardless of how much structure we create for ourselves, there will always be things outside of our control. Learning to accept these things is crucial for attaining inner peace.

“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” – Lao-Tzu

I think that on some level people realize they can’t control everything, yet some people still try to. There are things we can’t control that will affect every part of our lives. Accidents and life-altering occurrences can happen at any moment and can change the rest of your life.

Learning to adapt to these changes is where inner strength will develop. The desire to control situations is inherently stressful within itself. As Mike Tyson so eloquently said, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.”

Just like situations, you cannot control other people. As a society we tend to become frustrated when people do not act the way we want them to act. We need to learn to accept this and realize that the majority of people are looking out for their own interests.


Change is a fact of life and the sooner we realize this, the better off we are. Instead of actively trying to control things to have them remain the same, we should be accepting things as they come to us. We are part of the ever-evolving world and this is something to be embraced, not fought against.

“No matter where your frame of mind happens to be, life is still happening.”

Stop making plans, live in the moment and embrace everything it has to offer you. If you want something exciting, you need to stop trying to control things and see where life takes you. Learning to adapt to life’s unpredictability is the key to happiness. If you are able to adapt your reaction to change, you can limit the disappointment you feel when things do not go as planned.


The ability to be flexible is an invaluable life skill that will help you adapt to changes you cannot control. If you continue to stick to a rigid schedule or try to control certain situations, you may miss out on endless opportunities. Making plans is something that you will do throughout the course of your life, but realizing there will always be a certain amount of uncertainty in life allows us to keep our minds open to unexpected experiences.

Plans and schedules are useful as a framework, but leaving room for spontaneity is vital. Having a meticulously planned day is hell, especially if things do not go according to plan. This can actually be worse for you, rather than benefiting you. The stress factor needs to be eliminated from our lives. Embrace the chaos!

Babies Conceived During Hurricane Sandy Are Now Coming Into The World


Babies Conceived During Hurricane Sandy Are Now Coming Into The World

Babies Conceived During Hurricane Sandy Are Now Coming Into The World

Remember when you thought the world was ending during Hurricane Sandy and decided to go raw dog with your girl while screaming “YOLO!”? Well, that little guy whose diapers you are now changing is most likely a result of that.

In fact, the latest baby boom is hitting the northeast, as people amidst the fear and the blackout following the massive storm that rocked the east coast last fall apparently spent their time doing the dirty in the dark.

The New York Times is referring to them as “Hurricane Sandy babies,” which must’ve taken a mind-blowing amount of brainstorming and creativity between their world-renowned writers.

As told to the New York Times, Meaghan B. Murphy explained why she and her husband Patrick conceived a third child in their Jersey City apartment after the storm in late October.

“We were content with two children; three were not in the plan,” she recalled. “But with no power, no TV, no lights, even without that much food, there was not much else to do.

“And my husband is so handsome,” she added of Mr. Murphy, a 33-year-old private client manager for a bank. “I couldn’t resist.”

Because of the storm, hospitals are expecting a 10 to 30% increase in births this summer compared to the same time last year.

“It makes perfect sense, that during a period of a prolonged loss of electricity, people take comfort in creating their own,” said Dr. Warren Licht, the former chief medical officer and now a specialist at the hospital’s Women’s Health Center.

This concept isn’t exactly rocket science, as a room with no electricity knocks out most activities.

“This is just old basic physiology,” said Dr. Jacques Moritz, director of the division of gynecology at St Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center. “There’s no Internet and no cable. What else is there to do?”

Photo Credit: Tumblr

Osama Bin Laden’s Bodyguard Claims Osama Wasn’t Shot By Navy SEALS


Osama Bin Laden’s Bodyguard Claims Osama Wasn’t Shot By Navy SEALS

Osama Bin Laden’s Bodyguard Claims Osama Wasn’t Shot By Navy SEALS

Osama bin Laden‘s former bodyguard is now claiming that the al-Qaeda mastermind wasn’t killed by the gunshots of Navy SEALS, but by an explosive belt he was wearing at the time of the raid.

Nabeel Naeem Abdul Fattah says that the U.S. soldiers merely shot bin Laden in the thigh and the terrorist leader killed himself before the fatal shots could be fired.

The DailyMail notes that Abdul Fattah admitted that he was not present at the event of the ambush and is relying what he was told from one of Bin Laden’s relatives.

Once the story broke that SEAL Team 6 fatally shot Bin Laden, Abdul Fattah immediately told several news sources that this simply could not be true.
He accused President Obama of lying about how he was killed as Bin Laden vowed to blow himself up if compromised in order to avoid capture.

“Bin Laden’s body parts were cut into multiple pieces, which is similar to suicide attacks following the bombing, so as not to leave any clue to the US forces to identify him. “

According to Abdul Fattah, Bin Laden had been wearing an explosive belt for the last ten years of his life. He believes Bin Laden detonated the belt the moment he knew he was about to be killed or captured.

The United States military has yet to respond to these claims.

Elizabeth Taylor’s First Wedding Dress Set To Go Up For Auction


Elizabeth Taylor’s First Wedding Dress Set To Go Up For Auction

Elizabeth Taylor’s First Wedding Dress Set To Go Up For Auction

Elizabeth Taylor was known for a lot. Her beauty, her acting, her incredible jewel collection — but first and foremost, Taylor was known for being one of the most frequently wed women in Hollywood.

Elizabeth Taylor was married a mere nine times to various husbands (Richard Burton famously wed and divorced Taylor twice) and now her first wedding dress is going up for auction.

The gown, which the then 18-year-old wore in the 1950′s wedding to her first husband Conrad Hilton (great-uncle to Paris), was designed by one of Hollywood’s most legendary costume designers: Helen Rose. MGM’s chief costume designer also designed Grace Kelly’s wedding gown for her marriage to Prince Rainier of Monaco.

The satin dress features bugle beads, tiny seed pearls, a 15-yard train and a dainty 20-inch waistline. Perfect, so what will it take to purchase this dress? Supposedly, $75,500. According to Christie’s auction officials, the dress should rake in at least that much, maybe even more, at the June 26 Christie’s auction in London.

Billionaire Tony Hsieh Says ‘Take The Money You’d Spend On College And Start A Business’


Billionaire Tony Hsieh Says ‘Take The Money You’d Spend On College And Start A Business’

Billionaire Tony Hsieh Says ‘Take The Money You’d Spend On College And Start A Business’

Having sold one company for over $200 million and another for over $1 billion before the age of 40, Tony Hsieh knows a little something about making money.

And despite the fact that college is often romanticized as the “best years of your life,” it’s increasingly becoming known as some of the more costly as well, a fact which is likely to have played in Hsieh’s mind when provided this message for students: “I actually encourage them to take the money they would’ve spent on college to start businesses instead, if their ultimate goal is to be an entrepreneur.”

Hsieh, who earned a degree in computer science from Harvard, offered this advice during an ABC interview with Barbara Walters on “20/20″ two years ago.

Hsieh, along with his billion-dollar company Zappos, with which he on stayed as CEO after selling the shoe-selling enterprise to Amazon, has been in the news recently as he leads a charge to revitalize a downtown district of Las Vegas.

The Ivy League graduate has rented around 60 apartments there, according to Entrepreneur’s Teri Evans, to provide visitors with a free stay as they check in on the revitalization project.

While this type of generosity may come across as surprising to those who are unfamiliar with Hsieh’s story, it fits in well with the narrative of the CEO who provides free food in his company’s cafeteria.

Around the office, his mantra is “delivering happiness,” which also happens to be the title of his book, which enjoyed a 27-week stint on the New York Times Best Seller List after debuting at No. 1.

And while the San Francisco native’s path to success began with a four-year stay at the nation’s most prestigious institution, the man who made over $5,000 reselling burgers in college adamantly maintains that, for aspiring entrepreneurs, investing college tuition in their own ventures is the way to go.

“If you just took the money you would’ve spent on going to school and just used that to start a business,” he said in an interview with Business Insider’s Henry Blodget, “and start a business every year, even if every one of those fail you’re going to learn way more through that than actually going to school.”

Photo Credit: WENN

The Pull And Pray


The Pull And Pray

The Pull And Pray

Today, we will be discussing the move every man needs to have in his arsenal: The Pull and Pray. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this, whether you are a virgin or just plain stupid, it is when two people are having unprotected coitus and the man rides that horse until the final second, where he “pulls out” and ejaculates safely outside of the box.

Both partners then “pray” that he was quick enough and none of his little swimmers found the pot-o-gold on the other side of the rainbow. This move typically comes into play during drunken one-night stands when neither partner gives a damn about the risk of disease or even, the worst disease of all, children (blegh).

First of all, it is a male’s responsibility not to blow it inside his partner. Unless you are trying for a baby (what is wrong with you) or there is no risk of your partner getting pregnant — ALWAYS PULL OUT. And I do not mean the woman says she uses birth control or she tells you, “It’s okay, I just finished my period.” I am talking about the off chance she may have been born without a uterus or you happen to be banging a dude (we don’t discriminate). If either of those options presents themselves to you, by all means ride it out. If not, pull out!

Now, we know this delicate skill can be a little tricky. Maybe you bagged a nine and are only a seven; you may get lost in her (or his) smoking hotness and forget to pull out until it is too late. Let it be known that this is YOUR fault. You have no one to blame but yourself for blowing plan A, and now your only job is finding a drug store open so you can implement Plan B. If anything, you should still be thanking her/him for allowing you to conquer the cave when you know damn well you’re not worthy to reach level 10. What’s the best way to thank your partner? Not getting them pregnant.

The Pull and Pray

Do not underestimate the importance of the pull. You must plan ahead where you are going to be sending your underpants army for their final battle. If no towel is on hand, and the woman does not have a creepy fantasy about you ejaculating on top of the TV, her body usually becomes the target. Some women are down for this; sadly, some are not. This is why you plan ahead and display how much of a gentleman you are by asking where she would like you to come. If she says in a towel, do it in a towel. TV? TV. Inside her? RUN. Communication is always good in the bedroom, for it is the lack of such that leads to a scared sh*tless morning imagining baby rattles and mobiles. Do you want to worry about your life being over? Of course not, so always be clear with your partner about where to blow your load.

Now, since both parties are well aware that your geyser is about to erupt (or at least she should be, right? RIGHT!?), it is time for the actual pulling; there is no more time to ensure that she gets hers first. No time! NO TIME! This is also your fault, but a topic for a different day. You must make sure you are paying close attention to what your soldier of fortune is telling you, and right before you are about to lose it, thrust exxxxtra deep just once, and quickly too.

This will assure maximal pleasure before the explosion, and hopefully will pleasure her a little bit more so she forgives you later for forgetting about her needs. Thrust deep, pull out. Make sure there is enough clearance between the rifle and the holster, you want your bullets as far away as possible as not to cause any harm. Harm = pregnancy. Now let the sparks fly! (Cue gratuitous fireworks, waterfall scene, Ol’ Faithful eruption.)

Hopefully your lady allowed you to come on her. If she’s cool with raw-doggin’ it, she probably did. However, if she says, “On the stomach/ass” that means on the stomach/ass. Do not venture into the no-fly zone, i.e. cleavage and face. That is the best way never to be allowed into her airspace again. There are accidents of course; sometimes you just do not know how big or how far it is going to go. This mishap can be cleared up with a polite apology, an offer to grab a towel or tissue and a quiet snicker to yourself. Make sure she doesn’t hear the snicker.

The Pull and Pray

If she does not allow you to come on her, don’t worry; there is always next time. If you’re dating the person, she/he may just need to be comfortable with you before she/he allows your man-love to venture all over her/his amazingly nekked body. If you are not dating the person, hey! You just got laid, my friend! Are you really going to fret over something like that? Of course you’re not! Are you going to lie to your buddies when they asked if you came on her? Of course you are!

Now for the second part of the method: the pray. So you think you did a good job not losing your cool whilst inside her mystical land of wonder? Think again. Your own body will sometimes fool you and send out a scouting party ahead of the main troops to make sure the coast is clear. These troublesome menaces, and your pathetic attempt at pulling out because it felt “oh so good” are the reason why you need to start praying for at least the next two weeks that nothing is growing inside that disgusting bag of blood called the uterus. And women, you need to start praying too. I doubt you want to tell your child that they were conceived off two bottles of wine with a mime named “…”. So everybody start praying. Here, we are even giving you a template so you have no excuse:

Dear (insert appropriate deity),
Thank you for an awesome time last night. Props. Now please let me get out of something you may frown upon, scott free with no consequences. I promise I will never have premarital unprotected sex again. We learn from our mistakes, and I learned that drinking tequila and wine makes for bad decisions, especially when I have a box of condoms next to my bed that I forgot about. To be fair, she/he did just grab it and shove it in.

Anyways, please (insert deity here) destroy any seed that may have been spilled in her Garden of Eden/inside my luscious goodies. We both know I’m not ready to be a parent, and my folks already think they made a mistake by sending me to live in a foreign country even though I am only 18. Please do not make me stroke their egos by telling them they were right. Your friend (insert whatever name your parents gave you).

We hoped we have helped some of you on your endless quest for ultimate ecstasy without the negativity. Remember, sex is fun! And seriously, use a condom, you dumbass.

Mark Ball
Photo Source: The Paper Wall

Where to Drink Wine


Where to Drink Wine

World’s Best Vineyards: Where to Drink Wine in 2013

In honor of National Wine Day tomorrow, Saturday, May 25th, we’re combining our two favorite things—booze and travel—to celebrate the holiday the right way.

With the search for the top vineyard hotels and best ways to pair wine with take out already sleuthed, we turned to American Express Travel Culinary and Wine Insider and Certified Sommelier, Sylvie Tannhauser, for where to drink wine this year.

With about 80 locations around the world to choose from, Tannhauser narrowed down her shortlist to the top six destinations across the world for wine enthusiasts. “We’re able to look beyond the top tourist attractions to the local spots, which capture the destination’s soul,” she said. “Each destination offers not only amazing wines, but a unique local culture that makes it worth investing in more than just a bottle, but a trip there.”

Check out her top spots for where to drink wine below.

By Sasha Levine (@sashalevine)

Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn
Sonoma County, California is the perfect destination for both the wine novice and connoisseur. It’s home to more than 360 wineries along 55 miles of Pacific coastline, with great winery tours, vineyard walks, romantic pairing dinners, and private tastings. For the dedicated aficionado, stay at the Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn, where you’ll be able to sample local wines at daily complimentary tastings without ever leaving the hotel!

Monticello Wine Trail
Charlottesville, Virginia
Thomas Jefferson was one of the first to bring winemaking to U.S. soil, but despite the area’s rich history, Virginia is still an emerging destination on the wine enthusiast’s hit list. Actually, the state has a lot to offer on the wine frontier. It is now fifth in the nation for wine production, more than 230 wineries, and dozens of wine trails. When I go, I like to mix history, fitness, and wine along the Monticello Wine Trail in Charlottesville, VA. It’s striking, surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains, and you can stop by Jefferson’s Monticello estate, famously displayed on the nickel, along the way!

Steenberg Hotel
South Africa
South Africa is definitely on the map this year as a top wine destination. It’s been making great wines for years, but what continues to draw the crowds is the colorful local culture. Be sure to stop by Steenberg Hotel, the Cape’s oldest farm dating back to 1682, for a round of golf, a wine tasting, or a gourmet meal. Then, drive two hours on to Sanbona Wildlife Reserve to visit the Big Five, the endangered riverine rabbit, and the only free self-sustaining white lions in the world just two hours outside Stellenbosch.

Cantina del Locorotondo
Puglia, Italy
While Italy has always turned out some incredible wines, I really love Puglia’s wines—particularly their rosés. The Puglia region is Italy’s largest wine producer, but is more under-the-radar than Tuscany. When you go, visit Locorotondo, the City of White Wine. The architecture is white and picturesque, and Cantina del Locorotondo offers great tours, tastings, and one of my favorite rosés! While you’re in Puglia, also try out the Moscato di Trani dessert wines, another personal favorite.

L’AND Vineyards Resort
Portugal offers the perfect blend of sunshine, landscape, food, and wine, and L’AND Vineyards Resort is the place to stay for a dream getaway. The boutique property offers 22 suites that each offer panoramic views over the lake and of Montemor Castle, a fireplace terrace, iPads, heated floors, and direct pool access. Enjoy wine tastings at the vineyard, wine pairings and a gourmet locavore meal at the restaurant, or even wine spa treatments at the Caudalie Spa.

Catena Zapata
Mendoza, Argentina
If you’re a Malbec fan, Argentina’s Mendoza region, and the 115-year-old family vineyard Catena Zapata in particular, is worth the trip. Stop by the Catena Zapata Winery at Lujan del Cuyo, in the shadow of the Andes Mountains, to learn about the history of wine in Argentina and the Catena family’s important role in building up the industry. The Catena family was the first to consider bringing Malbec to the region, and through years of research, trial, and error, have set the bar high for the Argentinian wine industry. They now have more than 1,500 acres of vineyards, ranging from 500-6,000 feet above sea level.

Best vineyard hotels
Wine with take out
Michael Chiarello picks the best fall wines


Cara Delevingne Covers Miss Vogue’s Debut Issue


Cara Delevingne Covers Miss Vogue’s Debut Issue

Cara Delevingne Covers Miss Vogue’s Debut Issue

The United Kingdom pretty much shares the same magazine publications as we do, but there was one thing the country was lacking: a version of their own Teen Vogue. The country has responded by launching their debut issue of Miss Vogue, their answer to all of England’s young girl’s requests.

Obviously, it would be fitting to have the most famous Brit, Cara Delevingne, cover the debut magazine. Vogue UL Editor in Chief Alexandra Shulman describes Delevingne as “Miss Vogue made physical” with a “maverick sense of style and fun” in her editor’s letter.

Delevingne was shot by Angelo Pennetta just days after the fall/winter fashion month for the cover and is wearing a baby pink paillette tank and matching skirt over a gray tee, which is so freakin’ 90’s, I’m obsessed.

It’s uncertain whether Miss Vogue will be a one-off venture or a continuing effort as of right now. The June issue was produced entirely by members of the existing Vogue UK team (I don’t know how they found the time) and it will be packaged along with it’s older version (which is covered by a sultry looking Kate Moss).

In addition to covering the debut issue of the magazine, Delevingne also had the opportunity to shoot an entire Miss Vogue spread. It’s no surprise that they chose Delevingne to cover the debut issue of Miss Vogue.

She’s so relatable, fun, funny, easy going, and is a true role model for young teenage girls. Who better to look up to than a girl who’s not afraid to be who she is? Even though she’s a high-fashion model, she never looses herself, and is unafraid to walk out in public in animal onesies.

The United Nations Backs Prada Law Suit


The United Nations Backs Prada Law Suit

The United Nations Backs Prada Law Suit

In case you didn’t know, Prada has been undergoing a four year long legal battle with former Prada employee Rina Bovrisse, who is suing Prada Japan for alleged sexual harassment and discrimination claims. The suit took an interesting turn when Prada countersued Bovrisse for damaging its image.

Since then, has launched a petition to persuade Prada to drop the countersuit. This legal battle could be the most confusing suit in the industry to date and it’s hard to decide which side is right.

One example of discrimination Bovrisse witnessed was when a Prada Japan human resources executive ordered the demotion and transfer of numerous employees, mostly female, because they were “old, fat, ugly, disgusting or did not have the Prada look.” Bovrisse sued the company after she raised concern about the treatment of her co-workers and alleges that she was subsequently criticized for her own appearance, demoted and urged to resign.

A Tokyo court ruled in Prada’s favor in November, but the following April, Bovrisse had over 80,000 signatures (now over 200,000), on her petition against Prada. Bovrisse brought her case to the United Nations, who released an official response to Bovrisse’s testimony, which urges Japan to make sexual harassment and discrimination in the work place illegal.

The UN stated:

“The Committee urges the State party to introduce in its legislation an offence of sexual harassment, in particular in the workplace, which carries sanctions proportionate to the severity of the offence. The Committee also recommends that the State party ensure that victims can lodge complaints without fear of retaliation. The Committee recommends that the State party continue to raise the public awareness against sexual harassment.”

Bovrisse is reportedly happy with the ruling and was quoted in saying:

“I hope Miuccia Prada realizes we live in 2013, that the power of social networking and individual voice can [bring attention to] any brands for doing the wrong thing… I am a happier person now not wearing brands to identify myself.”

Although the suit is by no means over, it sure has taken (yet another) interesting turn.

Photo Credit: NY Mag