Nipple Tattooing: The UK’s Latest Trend


Nipple Tattooing: The UK’s Latest Trend

Nipple Tattooing: The UK’s Latest Trend

Leave it to Europe to always have the most… unique budding trends. It seems as if women in the United Kingdom are becoming partial to a certain type of cosmetic procedure. Cosmetic procedures are nothing out of the ordinary, until you find out the cosmetic procedure in question: nipple tattooing.

It seems as if women from Liverpool have taken to darkening and defining their nipples via tattoo application. This semi-permanent form of tattooing has been all the rage in Liverpool for some time and is on it’s way over to Essex, taking the UK by storm.

Nipple tattooing, which is fondly nicknamed “tittooing,” is a process that was originally meant to be a medical procedure for women undergoing breast reconstruction. Now, it’s become a cosmetic trend for women who wish for darker, enlarged and more defined nipples and the surrounding areola. The semi-permanent treatment can last a lifetime if you keep up with regular applications.

Gail Proudman, an independent clinician based in Merseyside, says that she tattoos the nipples of more than three women a week and has seen a huge and continuing increase in young women opting for the cosmetic trend.

She explains:

“A lot of people want their nipples made darker. It’s the fashion. Some people think theirs are too pink or their boyfriends want them done. I think sometimes they are doing it because they are conscious of them being pale and they think it’s fashionable to have dark nipples. They’ll look at the magazines and page 3 and unfortunately a lot of it might be peer pressure.

“The girls get them done so they can go topless and not be embarrassed, or when they’re in a changing room and getting changed. They can go on holiday in front of their partners, go for massages, spray tans and just not be conscious of their body.”


The procedure, which can last from 12-18 months, takes two hours to perform and can cost up to 1,200 pounds for both nipples. Do you think this procedure will cross overseas and become popular with us Americans? I’m not too sure…

Photo Credit: Pinterest

Israel’s Vendetta On Hezbollah Finally Comes To A Head


Israel’s Vendetta On Hezbollah Finally Comes To A Head

Israel’s Vendetta On Hezbollah Finally Comes To A Head


Israel has chosen to use the Syrian civil war to its full advantage by doing a great deal of damage to one of Syria’s closest allies, when the Syrian military and its terrorist buddies are too preoccupied to offer a formidable response. The Jewish state recently destroyed some chemical weapons and missiles in Syria that were about to be delivered to Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based Shiite militant group that wants Israel wiped off the Earth.

Hezbollah has a strong arsenal of guns and rockets, but, like most other countries, would not fare too well in a full-on war with Israel. That’s why they made friends with Syria and Iran, two other countries who also hate Israel. Syria and Iran teamed up in the late seventies/early eighties to take on Iraq and they sought out Hezbollah a few years later for the extra man power and influence in Lebanese politics. In exchange for their military assistance, Hezbollah was rewarded with a ton of weapons and protection from any political opposition in Lebanon.

Anyway, right now Syria is in the middle of a terrible civil war that is showing little if any signs of ceasing anytime soon. Hezbollah has been helping out the Syrian military fight off the endless assault of rebels trying to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad and receiving new batches of weapons in return. Most of these weapons came from or were funded by Iran, who many believe is supplying weapons to both Hezbollah and the rebels just to maximize profits off the war.

Israel has always wanted an excuse to stage a massive attack on Hezbollah and Hezbollah has wanted to completely eliminate Israel ever since Israel occupied Southern Lebanon in the early eighties. Hell, Israel probably would have just bombed all of Lebanon by now if it weren’t for the response it would trigger from Iran or the sanctions the U.S. would have to force on them as a result.

So they’ve settled for putting a big gap in Hezbollah’s flow of incoming weapons and thus making them much less capable of staging any sort of offensive on Israel in the near future. It’s almost guaranteed that Syria and Hezbollah won’t do anything in response because they are both too invested in the problems at hand. The Syrian government didn’t even recognize that an Israeli plane was flying over its own country!

And even if Syria does retaliate, this would be the best chance Israel has of ridding itself of one or even two enemies the least difficult way possible. Syria said it would launch a few missiles and let Hezbollah ground soldiers loose in Israel if Israel bombed another weapons shipment. You could even argue that Israel wants Syria to strike back so it could easily destroy the missiles with its incredible defense system and have an excuse to take out a gang of Hezbollah guerillas along with the regime that should have gotten the Saddam Hussein treatment a long time ago.

Syria and Hezbollah have been enemies of Israel for so long and the only way to end this feud is if the two allies are weakened to the point where they pose no threat to the Jewish state. Hezbollah and Syria have basically done this to themselves by sacrificing so many bodies to this civil war. The work Israel would eventually have to do in combatting at least one of these factions in the next few years is already at least a quarter of the way done.

Israel has stated many times before that they would take action if any high-tech weaponry were to be transported to Hezbollah, meaning anything more destructive than the traditional rocket. When Syria accused Israel of basically declaring war on them by dropping bombs in Syria, Israel simply said that the attacks were not meant to harm the power of the Syrian government and that they would like to remain neutral in the midst of this horrific civil war.

If anything, it can be said that the militant group Israel is most worried about is the band of Islamic jihadists who are also trying to overthrow the Syrian government. These radicals are clearly more reckless than the Syrian army and they’ve received an intimidating arsenal of weapons from Iran and several unconfirmed sources.

Even though there is only an extremely slight chance that they’ll gain the military muscle comparable to the Syrian army or the organized Syrian coalition funded by the U.S., Israel still would not want to take its chances and make itself the No. 1 target for these jihadists if they ever gain the power they are looking for.

But these radicals, a good portion of which could be affiliated with al-Qaeda, will also have to be dealt with sooner or later by Israeli/U.S. forces. It’s not like they are just going to go away even if the organized Syrian opposition that the U.S. funds succeeds in pushing the Syrian government out of power. That being said, Israel would want to make sure they only have to worry about one group of Jew-hating terrorists come the end of the civil war.

After the success of this attack on Hezbollah weapons, Israel will be investigating any other opportunities to interfere with Hezbollah’s quest for power when they aren’t watching their backs once again.

Single Girls Have It Best



Single Girls Have It Best

Single Girls Have It Best

There are few things that truly are more annoying than the perpetual stereotypes that stigmatize single women. In true Gloria Steinem fashion, ladies, we need to sit back and realize that singledom is not a one-way ticket to owning 15 poorly-groomed cats. Rather, it is an opportunity to become the strong, kick-ass woman I know you can be.

Before everyone has a hissy fit, this is not to say that women can’t be amazing if they are in a relationship, of course they can. However, it has come to my attention that now, more so than ever before, 20-something women feel as though finding someone to be with is a now-or-never situation.

Let’s address the cliché: it’s okay to be a bachelor, but a bachelorette’s stock decreases by the minute. This nonsense has been around forever, and I’m not in the business of swaying people away from their foolish opinions. I’m here to tell you that being a bachelorette isn’t this generation’s form of the bubonic plague; you should be embracing it, not crying over it.

Ladies, below are the reasons it’s really okay to be single:

You’re Still Young

Thanks to society and Jewish mothers (calm down, I’m Jewish too) many women have a preconceived notion that if they’re still single at a certain age, they’re damaged goods. Chin up doll, Halle Berry just got pregnant at the ripe age of 46. Age is nothing but a number; embrace it. Being a young bachelorette is a blessing, not a curse. You get to try new things, meet new people and focus on your career. Most importantly, you get to figure out who the hell you are and what it is you want.


Women Are Equally Business Savvy

Unless you have been living under a rock, you may have been subjected to water cooler chitchat surrounding Sheryl Sandberg’s new book “Lean In.” As Chief Operating Officer of the tiny organization known as Facebook, Sheryl offers women everywhere the inspiration they need to achieve their goals. From reading the back cover alone, I can personally tell you this book in not a new-aged revelation; it’s more so a reminder that you can, and should seize every opportunity that comes your way.

Women today have been allotted opportunities that previous generations never were. The best advice I can give is that not only should you strive to reach the top, but you have the capabilities to do so. Never look to be the woman on the arm of a successful man, be your own successful woman and eventually, have someone to share that with. This, my darling, is known as an eligible bachelorette.

Your Time is Your Own

Time is a luxury that few coupled women can afford themselves. You, on the other hand, have the freedom to manage your time anyway you please. Have you ever tried to coordinate a girls’ night out with a bunch of coupled women? Mission impossible.

You have the leisure to come and go as you please. Best part? There is no need to consult with your counterpart as you do so. Bachelors pride themselves on having the freedom to come and go as they please. So should you. One of the biggest perks of time is having the ability to travel on a whim. Take full advantage.

Know Thyself

Many moons ago, I was flipping through channels trying to find something to watch and landed on “The Oprah Show” (obviously). For the brief minute that I had it on, she said something that has resonated with me to this day, and can hopefully do the same for you:

“Never look for someone to complete you. Be complete on your own. Then when you find someone to share your life with, they don’t become your whole world, they just make yours a little better,”

Oprah’s good, right? I know. So, as I mentioned before, knowing who you are is the most important asset you can have going into any relationship. So, being single gives you a chance to discover what truly makes you happy.


Don’t You Dare Settle

The mistake I see many women making is settling for whatever comes their way. Why in the hell would you do that? Do you ever see single men selling themselves short? Being single is by no means an excuse to let go of what you really want just to be with someone.

Take the time to date around and narrow down your list to find a man who truly deserves you. If you settle, at the end of the day you’ll be with someone, but you’ll also be miserable. Worth it? Definitely not.

The Generic Nonsense

Some other perks of being a single woman (that I am not going into full detail in): You get to sleep with whomever you want, you get to date around and figure out that you do not actually want to be with the struggling musician, and you get to live your life on your terms.

Final Thoughts: Statistically, single people tend to see nothing but happy couples; couples tend to see nothing but happy singles. Take that for what you will.

Photo Source – Tumblr

High School Student In Upstate New York Suspended For Tweeting His Principal Should Be Fired


High School Student In Upstate New York Suspended For Tweeting His Principal Should Be Fired

High School Student In Upstate New York Suspended For Tweeting His Principal Should Be Fired

A high school student in upstate New York claims he served a three-day suspension from school because of a hashtag he created on Twitter.

Pat Brown, a senior at Cicero-North Syracuse High School, says he created the hashtag #shitCNSshouldcut in order to start a discussion about how to pass a budget for the school since the $144.7 million budget that was in place did not receive the 60% voter approval necessary to pass.

Without the passing of this budget, school activities such as athletic programs and other extracurricular programs could be cut, along with the firing of some teachers.

“Everyone on Twitter was talking about ‘I can’t believe the budget didn’t pass’ and so I created (the hashtag) as a joke, really,” Brown told CNN on Friday.

The hashtag caught on, and students began chiming in with their own ideas on what to cut in order to pass the budget, which is up for revote on June 18th.

“Anime club” said @JackThaJuiceMan.

“Cheerleading” said @jamierunge.

“There’s honestly not much left at this point,” wrote @MichaelBrisson.

Brown started it as a joke, posting absurd ideas such as having classes outside in order to cut air conditioning costs.

One tweet put the 18-year-old Brown in hot water, as he called for the firing of the school’s executive principal.

“I said we should cut her, because I don’t think she does a good job. But that’s just my opinion I was sharing on Twitter,” he said.

For voicing his opinion, Brown claims he was called into the office on Thursday to be suspended for three days, on counts of harassing the principal and using a mobile phone in class and disrupting the learning environment.

“We have a student code of conduct that is a policy we abide by,” said North Syracuse Central School District Superintendent Dr. Kim Dyce Faucette. “Students and parents know the expectations of this policy, and whenever a situation arises where a student does not meet those expectations we deal with it accordingly.”

Brown is no class clown, as his work on the student council and his volunteer work in the community are no joke.

“I’m not a bad student,” Brown said. “CNS says they want student involvement in what goes on in our school, and next thing I know I’m in trouble. A 45-year-old man can speak his opinions about the school district, but I can’t because I’m a student?

“I just want (the school board) to remove the suspension from my record and choose their battles better.

“I really don’t plan on filing any appeal or anything. I really just wanted my opinion out there. They seem to have all the power so I went and got more power with social media.”

Silencing a student’s voice for speaking his mind on an issue that directly affects him is absurd. He did nothing other than raise the topic for discussion, and for that, he was slapped with a suspension. These administrators are setting a terrible example for their students with their actions.

NASA Is Said To Be Working On Technology For 3D-Printed Food


NASA Is Said To Be Working On Technology For 3D-Printed Food

NASA Is Said To Be Working On Technology For 3D-Printed Food


Remember in elementary school when you were asked to invent something that doesn’t exist and no matter what class you were in, someone created an instant pizza printer? Well, this one science-fiction concept could materialize very soon.

NASA is said to be developing a 3D printer that will be capable of printing food, starting with everyone’s favorite cheesy, doughy treat: pizza!

According to The Verge, Mechanical engineer Anjan Contractor received a $125,000 grant from NASA to build a prototype 3D printer that will be capable of creating food.

The printer will build food by using the basic “building blocks” of the food in powder form and then layering them together.

After printing chocolate in order to prove the system works on a basic level, Contractor is said to be working within the next few weeks on pizza, a much more complex substance with multiple elements.

This technology will allow astronauts to have a sustainable food supply for years as the cartridges will have a lifespan around 30 years.

This sort of innovation could very well change how we regard space travel and could potentially open up the possibility of longer and more adventurous missions, no longer held back by a dwindling food supply.

In addition, this sort of technology could be used on Earth to help stop world hunger. If successful, this printer could be one of the most important inventions of the 21st century — and that’s saying a lot.

Via The Verge

British Woman Can’t Work Because She’s Too Hot And The Comments From Coworkers Bother Her


British Woman Can’t Work Because She’s Too Hot And The Comments From Coworkers Bother Her

British Woman Can’t Work Because She’s Too Hot And The Comments From Coworkers Bother Her


A 33-year-old woman from London says she is unable to work due to constant harassment from fellow employees about her good looks.

Laura Fernee cannot keep a job because she finds herself constantly being complimented and hit on due to the fact that she’s extremely attractive.

Fernee, who has a PhD in an unspecified scientific field, insists the reason she isn’t working is not that she’s lazy or doesn’t want to work.

“I’m not lazy and I’m no bimbo,” Fernee told The Daily Mail. “The truth is my good looks have caused massive problems for me when it comes to employment, so I’ve made the decision that employment just isn’t for me at the moment. It’s not my fault…I can’t help the way I look.”

Fernee says she worked at a medical research lab and made £30,000 (~$45,000) per year from 2008 until 2011 when the comments from her coworkers became unbearable.

“In the end, as much as I loved my work, going in to work became very, very difficult because of the psychological impact on me,” she said.

Don’t feel entirely sorry for Fernee, as her safety cushion comes in the form of some very wealthy parents.

According to The Daily Mirror, her parents, 65-year-old Catherine and 70-year-old Alan, have been covering their daughter’s expenses, from her £2,000 (~$3000) rent and utilities to £1,500 (~$2280) per month on clothes.

“I know people will judge me for choosing not to work but they are underestimating just what a curse good looks can be in the workplace,” Fernee insists. “Everyone thinks it must be great to be attractive but there are serious downsides.”

We may have found the living, breathing version of the “First World Problems” meme.




Via Guyism, Photo via YouTube

Oregon High School Student Caught With Six Bombs, Planned On Blowing Up School


Oregon High School Student Caught With Six Bombs, Planned On Blowing Up School

Oregon High School Student Caught With Six Bombs, Planned On Blowing Up School

A high school student in Oregon has been arrested and charged with attempted murder after allegedly plotting to bomb his school.

Police arrested 17-year-old Grant Acord after it was revealed he might have been making a bomb he planned on planting at West Albany High School.

When searching the boy’s bedroom, authorities discovered six bombs along with written plans and checklists.

Benton County District Attorney John Haroldson says Acord’s plan was “forged and inspired by the model of the Columbine shootings.”

Police swept West Albany High School with a K-9 unit, but they did not discover any bombs.

This situation is not being taken lightly, and many feel as though a major tragedy was averted.

“This is beyond a kid playing with a couple of cherry bombs. It was serious enough to warrant calling out the bomb squad,” Albany police Capt. Eric Carter told KATU-TVin Portland.

Albany is approximately 75 miles south of Portland.

According to Haroldson, Acord will be arraigned Tuesday as an adult on one count of aggravated attempted murder and six counts each of manufacturing a destructive device, possession of a destructive device and possession of a weapon with intent to use it against another person.

Red Wings Or Blackhawks: Whose Tickets Are Hotter?



NEW YORK, NY - MARCH 21: Linesman Steve Barton...

The Blackhawks and Red Wings face off Monday night in Joe Louis Arena. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

As the Chicago Blackhawks prepare to face the Detroit Red Wings in a must-win game Monday night, one intriguing statistic gives an inside look at how each team’s fans value their showdown.

According to Crain’s Detroit Business, Blackhawks fans are willing to pay more in the resale market for playoffs tickets than Red Wings fans. It tracked the average price of tickets for the two teams’ series, and found the average resale price for games played in Detroit was $234.32, or nearly 25 percent lower than the average $311.70 for those played in Chicago.

The information comes from Chris Matcovich, director of data and communications for New York City-based TiqIQ, which aggregates tickets being sold on StubHub, Ticketnetwork, Ticketsnow and eBay. The company’s TiqIQ Direct is a feed that monitors ticket listings from hundreds of brokers.

A check of the site shows the average resale price for Monday night’s game at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit is averaging $219. That’s about $50 less than the prices, on average, for tickets to game five in Chicago. If the series goes a full seven games, the final match in Chicago is fetching prices that average $566 per ticket.

There are a couple of reasons for the big price difference. For one thing, the Wings regularly appear in the playoffs, so the clamor for tickets isn’t as strong as it might be in cities where post season appearances are rare. Second, Chicago fans are eager to see what their team can do after winning the Stanley Cup a few years back, Matcovich told Crain’s.

But these seats will look like a bargain compared with the Stanley Cup finals. TiqIQ’s prices in Detroit are running $1,700 for the first game that could be played there, and $2,100 for the second one.


NHL Team Values

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Getty Images1. Toronto Maple Leafs